
Prizes and Rules


This is what you need to know:

  • Playing and trading regularly gives you opportunities to win nice prizes.
  • We award the ten (10) most successful players on the leaderboard based on the Total Net Balance of the portfolio. Here is a simple example. If you buy a share for EUR 10, and your team wins the next game, the share value will go up to, let's say, EUR 12, which means your Net Balance will be + EUR 2.
  • We give prizes each month and some more special prizes at the end of the season.
  • If you haven’t won anything in a given month, don’t worry. You actually have even better chances to win prizes next month. How? Because each new month we award the players that improved the most percentage-wise. So it will be in fact more difficult for the best ones to win again and easier for the others to be on top.
  • For example, if player A increases his/her portfolio from EUR 5000 to EUR 5500, that’s 10% increase. If you increased your portfolio from EUR 3000 to EUR 3600, that’s 20% increase. That means you are better for that month even if you have less money in your portfolio/wallet.

This is what you need to do:

  • Make at least one transaction (buy or sell) in a calendar month, in those months that games are played, of course, usually between August and May.
  • Well, that's basically the only rule.

This is what you are playing for:

Monthly Prizes

August / September 2024

1st place

Dinner voucher for 4 at your local sports bar

Runner up

Dinner voucher for 3 at your local sports bar

3rd place

Dinner voucher for 2 at your local sports bar

4th - 10th place

One free SxM share at your own choice

End-of-season Prizes 2024/2025

1st place

The newest model of Apple iPhone

2nd place

The newest model of Apple iPad

3rd place

The newest model of Apple Watch

4-10th place

One free massage voucher

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